
Pruning of the Vine


A Closer Walk with Thee
John 15:1-3
1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
Are you attached to the Vine today?  Jesus said that He is the true vine.  If you are attached to any other vine, you are not attached to Jesus.  You see as vines, we must be pruned of our sins.  We must deny ourselves of what we want the most to get close to the true vine.  
What kind of fruit are your bearing?  Do you have a little rotten spot that needs to be removed?  Let Jesus prune that part of you.  Ask Him to show you the rotten spot on you and ask Him to prune your branches so that you can be all that God intends for you to be. 
We all want to bring forth fruit for God’s glory right?  Well today is your day.  Go forth and share your fruit with the world.  Testify to God’s goodness in your life, and show the world what good fruit God has to offer for those whom serve Him.  We are bound and determined to take souls with us to heaven, right?  Well get out there and love them. 
Walking with Him, and sometimes stumbling along the way,


Praise the Lord

Psalms 150: Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. 
Do you have anything to praise God for?  No?  Did you wake up this morning?  Well you have something to praise God for!  He chose to leave you here on earth for one more day to get your work done here.  Now praise Him!  Can you walk, talk, hear, or see?  Praise Him!  Did your children wake up this morning?  Praise him that you are not in mourning today!  Do you have shelter, food and clothing?  Praise the Lord!!
Loving God is finding the joy out of what He has given you!  Satan wants you to feel defeated, cursed, abandoned, alone, lacking, and without.  God says we are not defeated, cursed, abandoned, alone, lacking, and without.  God says we are blessed, highly favored, and His children can fear no evil.  How great is that? 
Get out your tambourines and praise the Lord!  What?  You don’t have tambourines?  Praise Him anyways, He deserves it!  It’s not about what you don’t have, it’s about what He has given you!!
Rejoice, and again, I say Rejoice in the Lord!!

Blessed by God

Deut. 1:11 (The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)
Moses was saying this to Israel after spending 40 years in the desert.  He was saying, snap out of this negativity that you have been going through for 40 years.  Start looking at the blessings that God has bestowed upon you, and be thankful for your provision from God.
Is negativity stealing away your promises from God?  Are you satisfied in the provision that God has provided for you?  Have you been wandering around in the desert feeling as God has left you?
Well friend, I have good news to bring!  God has promised never to leave nor forsake his children!  God has promised that He will never again cause a flood to destroy the earth!  God has promised that if you are in the valley of the shadow of death that you do not have to fear evil!  God has promised to lead you still waters and green pastures for rest and provision!  Jesus promised that he is gone to prepare a place for you in heaven!  Jesus rose on the third day and is alive so that you don’t have to burn in hell eternally!
A child of God posesses all of these promises!  You have to be the one to reach out and grab them!  Reach out and grab the promise that God’s children can soar on eagle’s wings!  What are you afraid of?  God has promised it, so it’s yours for the taking! 

My speech is not eloquent

Gen 4:10 And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

What excuses are you giving God today? God knows your faults and He chose you despite them. You have a job (purpose) for God if you are saved by his grace. So what is your hindrance? The enemy? Probably not. Take a look in the mirror. There’s your hindrance. See it now?

You are called by God for His purpose, your excuses will not count on judgement day. You will give an account of your life before God and the fact that you had a big house and a nice car will not play a factor in your destiny. So why let these things get in your way of serving God? God will give you what He wants you to have, if you will surrender what you already have. Get this in your head, everything that belongs to you was given to you by God. Some of us have bought things that God had no intentions of us having; therefore, we work our nose to the grindstone to obtain things that God had no intention of letting you have.

Seek your heart, what excuses are you giving? Will these excuses be good enough on judgement day when you stand in front of God? Can you honestly imagine giving God some lame excuses like: such and such hurt me at church and I never went back, I can’t sing like a bird, I never found Your (God’s) will for my life, I didn’t feel like I was called to preach, I was too busy, I had to much stuff to do, my house wasn’t clean enough, my car wouldn’t start… I can go on and on, but the point is, on judgement day, NONE of this will matter.

You know God’s will for your life, stop pretending as if you don’t know what God has planned for you. You are only deceiving yourself. God knows that you know your calling.

Walking with Him, Lona

God of Restoration

Genesis 41  tells of a dream that Pharoah had about 7 years of great plenty and 7 years of famine.  I believe that some of us have reached the end of our 7 years of plenty and are entering the 7 years of famine.  You must rest in the arms of God in these times of famine.  God restored Egypt and He will restore you. 

Some of us have fell by the wayside by choice.  We have taken on things that have wasted our time, and then expected God to pick us up when those things overwhelm us.  Life has to be about God all the time, not just when we lose control and go spiraling into the pit of uncertainty.  If you want to live a life for God you must pray and fast all the time.  Jesus intercedes for us.  But he can’t intercede for you if you aren’t willing to take the responsibility to talk to God. 

I encourage you to take all of your cares to him.  He wants to hear that you can’t even walk without him holding your hand.  He wants to hear you say thank you for saving you.  He knows your needs, but he wants you to tell him what you need.  God made Adam to fellowship with him.  And he made you to fellowship with him also. 

Go ahead and tell God how much you need him and appreciate the work that he has done in your life.  If you haven’t spoken to God in a while, shame on you.  Repent to him and let him know that you can’t walk without him. 

Walking with Him, Lona

Prayer Request

I have a friend that has requested prayer for herself and her family.  God knows the need and will supply the need when we cry out to Him.  Let’s pray for comfort, peace, joy and a hedge of protection around this family.  Thank you for your prayers.  Lona

Seeking Wisdom

What does it mean to seek wisdom?  Can you find it under the cushions of the couch?  Can you find it in the trunk of the car?  I found it in the Bible.  Proverbs 3:5,6  Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 

I am seeking wisdom.  A place to rest my weary body and find God’s path for my life.  A place of contentment and peace.  A gentle whispering of the Holy Spirit to calm my distress.   A place of understanding that I search for.  Wisdom is for the righteous.  I yearn to find the place with God that I can let go of my fears and trust that God shields my path.  A quietness that doesn’t leave me lonesome.  A stillness that calms my storm.  The knowledge that I can move mountains with a prayer.  The prayer that heals a sinner’s heart.  The cry at the midnight hour that only God hears and He knows my voice. 

The desire of my heart is wisdom.  I am seeking her with all my heart, soul and mind. 

Walking with God, Lona

Hello world!

This is a blog that I will post about my walks with God.   I will on occasion share my family with you.   I will share the love of Christ with those who do not know him. 

A little about myself, I am blessed by the hand of God and will speak the word of God on this blog.  I know that many of you may not have a relationship with God but I hope that I can share with you what He has done for me.  Prayer request will always be welcomed.  I want God to have the glory in all areas of my life including this blog.  I am blessed that you would consider reading this and I pray that you will find my love for God in this blog. 


Walking with God, Lona